Monday, February 23, 2015

The History of Nursing

See link to a history of Nursing blog from the US site
See Link

An Irish National Survey of Dementia in Long term Residential Care

The Dementia Services Information and Development Centre launch a new report on dementia and long term care:  An Irish National Survey of Dementia in Long term Residential Care.  View the report here.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Two Faces of Guilt

We all want positive changes in our lives, but often there is something blocking us. Some blocks are very personal, but there are others which are almost universal. One of these universal saboteurs I frequently come across in my therapy practice is the feeling of guilt.
Often, we treasure guilt as a guardian to our morality, believing if we let go of it, we will become unscrupulous and prone to all sorts of unethical behavior. But is it really so? More often than not, guilt actually jeopardizes not just our own happiness but of the people who we share our lives with. Below are a few examples.

Single Parenting Isn’t Second-Rate

Miranda broke down in tears while talking to me. She’d suffered months of abuse by her husband following the birth of her son. He was going out all the time, didn’t show any interest in their son and spent what time he had at home on the Internet or watching TV. Conversations ended in arguments. Arguments sometimes ended in violence.
She knew she needed to get out. She acknowledged that she couldn’t love someone who couldn’t love her or their son as he should. But she continued to struggle with making the decision to leave. Why? “I don’t want my son to grow up without a father,” she said. “I don’t want him to have a broken home.”
Miranda is under the spell of cultural myths that don’t match her realities

View full article at Psych Central

Athlone IT Nursing & Health Science Building