Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Now Is The Perfect Time To Start Meditating, And Science Proves It

Between the coronavirus pandemic, an uncertain future both economically and environmentally, it’s not a stretch to say that these are times filled with stress, anxiety and worry unlike what many of us have experienced before.
But with tens of millions around the world being asked to shelter in place for weeks if not months to come, it could also be an excellent opportunity to cultivate a new habit that recent research has shown can reduce anxiety while improving your memory and focus.
Some of you will not be surprised to learn that I’m talking about meditation.
A study by researchers at New York University found that less than fifteen minutes of meditation a day for eight weeks can reduce anxiety, fatigue and mood disturbance.
The study published last year in the journal Behavioural Brain Research involved groups of people between the ages of 18 and 45 with little or no experience meditating.

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